We believe in the intrinsic value of every person—to serve and be served. You need not be of the Catholic faith to volunteer or to receive services. Join us in fostering the common ground of humanity to bring wholeness and healing for all.

Vincent's Legacy is a Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

Vincent's Legacy
Furniture Outreach Conference
A Special Works Conference within the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Trenton Diocesan Council
**Helping to Turn Our Neighbor's House into a Home**
Now in Our 14th Year
Serving Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington & Mercer New Jersey Counties
To REQUEST Furniture
Individual SVdP Conferences follow their normal home visit screening processes. When the conference has authorized that people need furniture or household goods, the home visit Vincentian contacts furniture@svdptrenton.org or (609) 557-7837 to share the request.
A volunteer from Vincent’s Legacy will connect with the neighbor in need to schedule a visit to the home to take measurements and compile a list of everything needed. We prefer if the person who did the initial home visit from the conference come with us. We want the neighbor to see the continuity of Vincentian care.
A date will be scheduled to deliver and set up the home. We expect the local Vincentian to be present when we deliver if possible, again for our neighbors' comfort. We have a very capable delivery team and do not require the local Vincentian to do any heavy lifting, just be present.
To DONATE Furniture
Please direct people to furniture@svdptrenton.org or (609) 557-7837 to arrange for a Vincent’s Legacy volunteer visit to assess the furniture. You can help us by reviewing the list of what we can and cannot accept before you direct them to Vincent’s Legacy. Unfortunately, we cannot accept all donations (Please review our Donation Guidelines) and allow at least a 1 week turnaround time to schedule a visit. NOTE: If your conference is in the Bayshore area in Northern Monmouth County, please contact Project Paul. (https://www.projpaul.org/furnituredonations or 732-787-4887). They sell the donations and use the revenue to financially support our neighbors in need in the Bayshore area. If Project Paul cannot accept your donation, then contact Vincent’s Legacy.
Vincent’s Legacy volunteers will arrange a time to pick up the donations to store in the warehouse. It will be inventoried to respond to conference requests for goods.