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Vincent's Legacy was established in the Fall of 2010 to collect and repurpose donated quality furniture and household items in order to provide them for free to those in need throughout the Belmar/Wall area.

The concept was conceived from learning about the lack of basic home furnishings like beds, dressers, kitchen tables and pots, pans, and silverware when volunteers who made home visits for requests for financial assistance from their neighbors in need.  A new volunteer team began to solicit donations and worked tirelessly to help these families create a comfortable, functioning home.  The goal was, and continues to be, to ensure everyone in our community has a warm bed to sleep in, pots and pans to prepare meals in, and a safe 

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sanctuary to retreat to each night.  We have seen recipients shed tears of gratitude over receiving things as basic as hangers for their clothes and ice cube trays for a cool drink on a hot day, not to mention a bed to sleep in and a dresser to store their belongings.  Upon receiving a new kitchen table, one 7-year-old boy exclaimed gleefully, “Now we can eat dinner together like a real family.”  His comment both warmed and broke our hearts.  These seemingly insignificant items, that so many of us take for granted, enables recipients to stand taller and approach life with more confidence.  It better equips them to address other pressing life issues, ultimately leading to self-sufficiency.


Over time, the amount of quality donations received became so extensive and the requests for help furnishing homes grew extensively.  We identified 7,000 square feet of warehouse space at one centralized location to store and access furniture donations to meet the needs of their local communities.  Through the coordinated efforts of volunteers throughout Monmouth and Ocean Counties, over 150 volunteers help staff the warehouse, pick up and/or deliver the items, solicit donations, and so much more.  We not only deliver the items free of charge, but we also assist in unpacking boxes, assembling furniture, and setting up the homes of our neighbors in need.


The benefits of this project are far reaching.  Not only does it help families become more self-sufficient in their day-to-day lives, it also provides comfort to grieving families closing out an estate of a loved one by ensuring their family treasures will be put to good use, thus doing our small part in helping save Mother Earth by keeping these items out of NJ landfills.  In addition, this effort has created multiple service opportunities for people with varying time constraints to serve the poor.  We believe the experience of helping others is eye opening and life changing for our volunteers.  From students at local high schools and universities to working professionals to retired senior citizens, this furniture outreach program offers a multitude of ways people can share their time, talent and/or treasure and connect members of our community in unique and transformative ways for all.


Vincent's Legacy is a 2017 recipient of the New Jersey State Governor's JEFFERSON AWARDS for Public Service.


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