We believe in the intrinsic value of every person—to serve and be served. You need not be of the Catholic faith to volunteer or to receive services. Join us in fostering the common ground of humanity to bring wholeness and healing for all.

Vincent's Legacy is a Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

Vincent's Legacy
Furniture Outreach Conference
A Special Works Conference within the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Trenton Diocesan Council
**Helping to Turn Our Neighbor's House into a Home**
Now in Our 14th Year
Serving Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington & Mercer New Jersey Counties

Margaret More,
Founder/Past President
As the founder of Vincent's Legacy 14 years ago, my duties have shifted dramatically over the years. Thanks to the many volunteers who have embraced this furniture ministry and have found a way to share their talents, I focus my energy on the behind-the-scenes administrative function of running a successful Special Works Conference. Additionally, I am the volunteer coordinator, which also morphs into marketing/cultivating the good works of Vincent’s Legacy to volunteers and/or their family. Finally, fundraising ideas and follow-up fall under my umbrella. The environmental movement of the 1970s can be credited with directly shaping the American recycling programs of today and that resonated with me growing up. Combining that mindset with what I learned about the furniture/household needs of local families through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul inspired me to work towards
keeping quality furniture and household goods out of NJ landfills (thus helping to save Mother Earth) and repurposing them for families in need... a win-win solution! I am most inspired by what St. Teresa of Calcutta (formerly Mother Teresa) once said: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Our mission is to make a positive change in the world, one family at a time.
Rich Uhlemeyer, Vice President of Operations
As VP of operations, I am responsible for managing the warehouse, inventory, and truck. I manage a team that picks up donated furniture and then delivers it those in need, as well as the online inventory system which is used to control the flow of items from the day it enters the warehouse through distribution and financial reporting. My favorite task is coordinating the volunteers from the Georgian Court University soccer team and Christian Brothers Academy High School. I ensure that all the paperwork is in order and meet with the volunteer teams on Saturday mornings to supervise the loading of the truck and provide direction for the tasks of that day.
I joined the St. Catharine’s (Holmdel) conference after I retired because I wanted to help people in need. At one of our meetings I learned of the Vincent Legacy mission and decided to join as a volunteer truck driver. Once I started, met the members and experienced the joy of “helping our neighbors to turn their house into a home” I was hooked. I expanded into warehouse management and resurrected and enhanced the inventory system.
My favorite scripture is Matthew 25:34b-40 -- Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. Then the righteous will answer him and say, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the king will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.

Carleen Defino, Secretary
I’ve been a member of Vincent’s Legacy since its inception and wear many hats: I manage the Household Goods area of the warehouse; I train anyone interested in learning how to assess the needs of our neighbors who ask for assistance; I serve on the Board of Trustees and serve Conference Secretary. And lastly, on rare occasion I repair and paint furniture that could use a badly needed makeover.
“What good is it for someone to say that he has faith if his actions do not prove it?” (James 2.14) I strongly believe faith without works is not God’s intention. Vincent’s Legacy and the Saint Vincent de Paul Society help me to practice my faith every day. How dare I accept God’s magnificent blessings without giving back. I’ve had so many memorable experiences and would encourage anyone to join our army of volunteers!
Susan Fernandez, Vice President of Procurement
My role is to acquire new and slightly used furniture and household items for distribution to our neighbors in need. Acquisition is done thoughtfully, in anticipation of the needs of neighbors that may have, though unforeseen circumstances, lost some of their home goods or even everything. The donated household furniture and goods are then assembled to create a new and comfortable home environment for our neighbors. Neighbors are enabled to move forward in their lives without the financial stress of needing to provide furniture and household items.
My favorite prayer that inspires you to continue volunteering is Psalm 18:2-3.
I love you Lord my strength,
Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer,
My God, my rock, my refuge,
My shield, my saving horn, my stronghold.